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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Lisa’s Encounter With Bill Clinton

Lisa’s Encounter With Bill Clinton


Eric Twiggs

My friend Lisa, who is a Washington DC Lobbyist, shared the following story about meeting former President Bill Clinton at the White House in 1996: 

 After waiting in a long receiving line consisting of hundreds of people, they shook hands and Lisa told him about the firm she worked for, and what she did for a living.

Four months later, she was attending a local fund raising event, and in walks the President. Lisa was floored by what happened next.

Before Lisa could re-introduce herself, he called her by name, mentioned the firm she worked for, and recalled the exact details of their previous conversation.  So what does my friends encounter with Bill Clinton have to do with you? 

Lisa’s encounter left her feeling like the most important person in the room.  How much would your business improve if your employees felt this way after being in your presence?

The former President had the following skills that most successful leaders share:


The first skill is listening.    Leadership guru Ken Blanchard conducted a study of over fourteen hundred leaders and concluded that the ability to listen was the most important skill a leader must have when working with others.

 This week, listen as if there was going to be a written test given on whatever the other person is talking to you aboutIf you were preparing for a test, you would take notes and repeat back what was said to make sure you got it right.

You wouldn't be emailing and texting while the teacher was talking. Why not do the same when talking with your employees?  


Successful leaders have a habit of looking for the best in people.  According to research conducted by sociologist Charles Horton Cooley, people tend to see themselves the way others see them.   This research has been referred to as “the looking glass theory.”   

Lisa became a Bill Clinton fan because of how he made her feel about herself.     

This is why praising your people in public is critical.  It makes them feel important, and they will do more of what you praise them for.  Their level of self esteem will increase and so will their esteem for you. 


You may never run for office, but having a low approval rating with your team is bad for business.   If you commit to improving your listening and looking skills, your shop will be scandal free!

My name is Eric and I approve of this message!

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